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Biden Macron Pledge Transatlantic Cooperation Despite Tensions

Biden, Macron Pledge Transatlantic Cooperation Despite Tensions

State Visit Aiming to Repair Trade Rift

WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Biden and President Emmanuel Macron of France emphasized their strong relationship on Saturday, amid ongoing trade tensions between the two countries. President Macron is hosting President Biden for a state visit as the two leaders attempt to mend strained ties.

Shared Vision for the Future

Despite their differences, President Biden and President Macron reaffirmed their commitment to transatlantic cooperation. In a joint statement, they declared, "We share a deep conviction that our two nations must stand together to address the challenges of the 21st century." They outlined a shared agenda that includes combatting climate change, bolstering the global economy, and promoting democracy around the world.

The state visit is an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss trade disputes that have plagued their relationship in recent months. The U.S. has imposed tariffs on French goods in retaliation for France's digital services tax, which the U.S. views as discriminatory. France has responded with tariffs of its own, leading to a heightened sense of tensions.


President Biden and President Macron's state visit is a critical step in repairing the transatlantic relationship. Despite their differences on trade, the two leaders recognize the importance of cooperation on a wide range of pressing global issues. Their joint statement sends a clear message to the world that the U.S. and France remain committed to working together to shape the future of the 21st century.
